- laryngophony
- lar·yn·goph·o·ny (lar″ing-gofґə-ne) [laryngo- + Gr. phōnē voice] a voice sound heard over the larynx.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Laryngophony — Lar yn*goph o*ny, n. [Larynx + Gr. (?) voice.] The sound of the voice as heard through a stethoscope when the latter is placed upon the larynx. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
laryngophony — / gofˈ/ noun The sound of the voice as heard through the stethoscope applied over the larynx • • • Main Entry: ↑larynx … Useful english dictionary
voice sounds — auscultatory sounds heard over the lungs or airways when the patient speaks; increased resonance indicates consolidation or an airless lung underlying an effusion. Types include bronchophony, egophony, laryngophony, pectoriloquy, tracheophony,… … Medical dictionary