
Nonvenereal endemic syphilis now found chiefly among Arab children; apparently due to Treponema pallidum. SEE ALSO: nonvenereal syphilis. [Ar. bajlah]

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bej·el 'bej-əl n a disease that is chiefly endemic in children in northern Africa and Asia Minor, is marked by bone and skin lesions, and is caused by a spirochete of the genus Treponema very similar to the causative agent of syphilis

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a long-lasting nonvenereal form of syphilis that occurs in the Balkans, Turkey, eastern Mediterranean countries, and the dry savannah regions of North Africa; it is particularly prevalent where standards of personal hygiene are low. The disease is spread among children and adults by direct body contact. Early skin lesions are obvious in the moist areas of the body (mouth, armpits, and groin) and later there may be considerable destruction of the tissues of the skin, nasopharynx, and long bones. Wartlike eruptions in the anal and genital regions are common. Bejel, which is rarely fatal, is treated with penicillin.

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bej·el (bejґəl) [Ar. bajlah] endemic syphilis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • bejel — /bej euhl/, n. Pathol. a nonvenereal syphilis occurring mainly among children in certain subtropical areas of southern Africa and southeastern Asia, caused by the spirochete strain Treponema pallidum endemicum. [1925 30; < Ar bajl] * * * ▪… …   Universalium

  • bejel — endemic syphilis; n. a long lasting nonvenereal form of syphilis that occurs in the Balkans, Turkey, eastern Mediterranean countries, and the dry savannah regions of North Africa; it is particularly prevalent where standards of personal hygiene… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • bejel — noun Endemic syphilis, a chronic disease of skin and tissue caused by infection by a subspecies of the spirochete Treponema pallidum …   Wiktionary

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