- K-Phos
- (kaґfos) trademark for any of several preparations containing monobasic potassium phosphate and sometimes also one or more sodium phosphate salts.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
phos — phos·gene; phos·gen·ic; phos·gen·ite; phos·pha·gen; phos·pham·ic; phos·pha·tase; phos·pha·te·mia; phos·phat·ic; phos·pha·tide; phos·phati·dyl; phos·pha·tion; phos·pha·ti·za·tion; phos·pha·tize; phos·pha·tu·ria; phos·phene; phos·phide;… … English syllables
Phos-Chek — is the brand name of a flame retardant used to fight wildfires.Phos Chek is manufactured in either a powder or concentrated liquid form. It is mixed with water which is then applied to vegetation in advance of a fireline via an aerial… … Wikipedia
Phos Hilaron — (polytonic|Φῶς Ἱλαρόν) is an ancient Christian hymn originally written in New Testament Greek. The hymn is known in English as Hail Gladdening Light or O Resplendent Light . It is the earliest known Christian hymn recorded outside of the Bible… … Wikipedia
Phos senticosus — Phos senticosus … Wikipédia en Français
Phos hilaron — (griech.: Φῶς Ἱλαρόν) ist ein frühchristlicher Christushymnus, der auf deutsch Heiteres Licht heißt. Er ist bereits in der Mitte des 2. Jahrhunderts nachweisbar und in der byzantinisch orthodoxen Vesperliturgie bis heute in Gebrauch. Ebenso ist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
phos- — Phos [griech. phõs, Gen.: photós = Licht]: Bestimmungswort von Zus. mit der Bed. 1) »lichterzeugend, lichterzeugt«, z. B. Phosgen, Phosphor, Phosphoreszenz, vgl. photo ; 2) »Phosphor enthaltend«, z. B. Phosphan, Phosphid, Phostam, Phosvitin, vgl … Universal-Lexikon
Phos- — Phos [griech. phõs, Gen.: photós = Licht]: Bestimmungswort von Zus. mit der Bed. 1) »lichterzeugend, lichterzeugt«, z. B. Phosgen, Phosphor, Phosphoreszenz, vgl. photo ; 2) »Phosphor enthaltend«, z. B. Phosphan, Phosphid, Phostam, Phosvitin, vgl … Universal-Lexikon
phos- — pref. Light: phosgene. [From Greek phōs, light. See bhā 1. * * * … Universalium
phos|gene — «FOS jeen», noun. a colorless, poisonous liquid or gas with a suffocating odor, formed by the reaction of carbon monoxide and chlorine, and used in chemical warfare and also in organic synthesis; carbonyl chloride: »The main war gases available… … Useful english dictionary
phos|phene — «FOS feen», noun. a luminous image, as of rings of light, produced by mechanical excitation of the retina, as by pressing the eyeball when the lid is closed. ╂[< French phosphène < Greek phôs, phōtós light1 + phaínein to shine, make appear] … Useful english dictionary
phos´pho|res´cent|ly — phos|pho|res|cent «FOS fuh REHS uhnt», adjective. showing phosphorescence: »A phosphorescent jewel gives off its glow and color in the dark and loses its beauty in the light of day (Atlantic). –phos´pho|res´cent|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary