- bath
- 1. Immersion of the body or any of its parts in water or any other yielding or fluid medium, or application of such medium in any form to the body or any of its parts. 2. Apparatus used in giving a b. of any form, qualified according to the medium used, the temperature of the medium, the form in which the medium is applied, the medicament added to the medium, or according to the part bathed. 3. Fluid used for maintenance of metabolic activities or growth of living organisms, e.g., cells derived from body tissue. [A.S. baeth]- colloid b. a b. prepared by adding soothing agents such as sodium bicarbonate or oatmeal to the b. water to relieve skin irritation and pruritus.- contrast b. a b. in which a part is immersed in hot water for a period of a few minutes and then in cold, the hot and cold periods alternated regularly at intervals, usually half-hours; used to increase the blood flow to the part.- electric b., electrotherapeutic b. 1. a b. in which the medium is charged with electricity; SYN: hydroelectric b.. 2. therapeutic application of static electricity, with the patient placed on an insulated platform.- Greville b. an obsolete treatment with nonluminous electric hot air given at a very high temperature.- hafussi b. a modification of the Nauheim treatment, with only the hands and feet of the patient being immersed in hot water through which carbon dioxide gas is made to pass. [Ger. hand, hand, + fuss, foot]- hydroelectric b. SYN: electric b. (1).- immersion b. a therapeutic b. in which the whole person or a body part is totally immersed in the therapeutic substance.- Nauheim b. SYN: Nauheim treatment.- oil b. in chemistry, a vessel containing oil, in which a container holding a substance to be heated or evaporated can be immersed.- sand b. in chemistry, an arrangement whereby a substance to be treated is in a vessel protected from the direct action of fire by a layer of sand.- sitz b. immersion of only the perineum and buttocks, with the legs being outside the tub. [Ger. sitzen, to sit]- water b. in chemistry, a vessel containing water, in which a container holding a substance to be heated or evaporated can be immersed.
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2 a) water used for bathingb ) (1) a medium for regulating the temperature of something placed in or on it (2) a vessel containing this medium* * *
(bath) 1. a conductive or convective medium, as water, vapor, sand, or mud, with which the body is washed or scrubbed or in which the body is wholly or partly immersed for therapeutic or cleansing purposes. 2. the application of a conductive or convective medium to the body for therapeutic or cleansing purposes. 3. a piece of equipment or scientific apparatus in which a body or object may be immersed.
Medical dictionary. 2011.