- undershot jaw
- veterinary term for prognathism; it is normal in animals such as boxers and bulldogs.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
undershot — [un′dərshät΄] adj. 1. with the lower part or half extending past the upper [an undershot jaw] 2. driven by water flowing along the lower part [an undershot water wheel]: see WATER WHEEL, illus … English World dictionary
undershot — adjective Date: 1610 1. moved by water passing beneath < an undershot wheel > 2. having the lower incisor teeth or lower jaw projecting beyond the upper when the mouth is closed … New Collegiate Dictionary
undershot — /un deuhr shot /; for 3 also /un deuhr shot /, adj. 1. having the front teeth of the lower jaw projecting in front of the upper teeth, as a bulldog. 2. driven by water passing beneath: an undershot vertical water wheel. v. 3. pt. and pp. of… … Universalium
undershot — un•der•shot [[t]ˈʌn dərˌʃɒt[/t]] for 3also [[t]ˌʌn dərˈʃɒt[/t]] adj. 1) having the front teeth of the lower jaw projecting in front of the upper teeth, as a bulldog 2) mac driven by water passing beneath: an undershot vertical water wheel[/ex] 3) … From formal English to slang
undershot — past and past participle of undershoot. adjective 1》 (of a waterwheel) turned by water flowing under it. 2》 denoting a lower jaw which projects beyond the upper jaw … English new terms dictionary
undershot — /ˈʌndəʃɒt/ (say unduhshot) adjective 1. underhung; driven by water passing beneath, as a kind of vertical waterwheel. 2. having the upper jaw shorter than the lower jaw. {under + shot2 (def. 1) …
undershot — un·der·shot ən dər .shät adj having the lower incisor teeth or lower jaw projecting beyond the upper when the mouth is closed used chiefly of animals … Medical dictionary
lantern jaw — noun Date: 1711 an undershot jaw • lantern jawed adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
David Hemmings — in Eye of the Devil (1967) Born 18 November 1941(19 … Wikipedia
Centropomus — Temporal range: 55–0 Ma … Wikipedia