- b
* * *bacillus; bands; barometric; base; basophil, basophilic; bath [Lat. balneum]; Baume scale; behavior; bel; Benoist scale; benzoate; beta; biscuspid; black; blood, bloody; blue; body; boils at; Bolton point; bone marrow- derived [cell or lymphocyte]; born; boron; bound; bovine; break; bregma; bronchial, bronchus; brother; Brucella; bruit; buccal; Bucky [film in cassette in Potter-Bucky diaphragm]; Bucky factor; bursa cells; burst [pacemaker]; bypass; byte; colorectal tumor extending into adipose tissue [Dukes classification]; magnetic induction; minimal detectable blurring; supramentale [point]
* * *
B symbol boronB 'bē n the one of the four ABO blood groups characterized by the presence of antigens designated by the letter B and by the presence of antibodies against the antigens present in the A blood group* * *
bel; boron.
Medical dictionary. 2011.