
Marijuana (Cannibis sativa), a drug derived from the family of plants that includes hemp. Use of cannabis produces a mild sense of euphoria, as well as impairments in judgment and lengthened response time. Cannabis may be smoked or eaten. Although cannabis use is illegal in most parts of the world, the plant appears to have some potential for medical use, particularly as a palliative for glaucoma and disease-related loss of appetite, as is often seen in cancer, AIDS, and other illnesses. In some areas of the US, individuals whose physicians recommend the medical use of cannabis can obtain special permission.
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The dried flowering tops of the pistillate plants of C. sativa (family Moraceae) containing isomeric tetrahydrocannabinols, cannabinol, and cannabidiol. Preparations of c. are smoked or ingested by members of various cultures and subcultures to induce psychotomimetic effects such as euphoria, hallucinations, drowsiness, and other mental changes. C. was formerly used as a sedative and analgesic; now available for restricted use in management of iatrogenic anorexia, especially that associated with oncologic chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Known by many colloquial or slang terms such as marihuana; marijuana; pot; grass; bhang; charas; ganja; hashish. [L., fr. G. kannabis, hemp]

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can·na·bis 'kan-ə-bəs n
1 a) cap a genus of annual herbs (family Moraceae) that have leaves with three to seven elongate leaflets and pistillate flowers in spikes along the leafy erect stems and that include the hemp (C. sativa)
b) HEMP (1)
2) any of the preparations (as marijuana or hashish) or chemicals (as THC) that are derived from the hemp and are psychoactive

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a drug prepared from the Indian hemp plant (Cannabis sativa), also known as pot, marijuana, hashish, and bhang. Smoked or swallowed, it produces euphoria and hallucinations and affects perception and awareness, particularly of time. Cannabis has little therapeutic value and its nonmedical use is illegal: there is evidence that prolonged use may cause brain damage and lead the user onto 'hard' drugs, such as heroin. See also dependence.

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Can·na·bis (kanґə-bis) a genus of flowering herbs. C. satiґva L. (Cannabaceae) is the hemp plant, widely used for fiber and rope; its dried leaves and flowers are called marijuana (q.v.) and contain tetrahydrocannabinol and other cannabinoids.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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