histophagous — feeding on animal tissues … Dictionary of ichthyology
ichthyophthirius — ich·thy·oph·thir·i·us .ik thē äf thir ē əs n 1) cap a genus of oval ciliates (order Holotricha) that are included in a single species (I. multifiliis) and are parasitic in the skin of various freshwater fishes where they encyst and multiply… … Medical dictionary
white spot disease — 1. guttate morphea. 2. a pustular eruption involving the skin, gills, and eyes of marine and freshwater fishes both in the wild and in aquaria, caused by the histophagous protozoan Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, and often leading to death, and… … Medical dictionary
Ophryoglenina — Oph·ry·o·gle·ni·na (of″re o glə niґnə) [Gr. ophrys eyebrow + glēnē socket] a suborder of large, chiefly freshwater, histophagous ciliate protozoa of the order Hymenostomatida, characterized by a polymorphous life cycle… … Medical dictionary