- Herpetosoma
- Her·pe·to·so·ma (hər-pet″o-soґmə) [herpeto- + soma] in some systems of classification, a subgenus of Trypanosoma that includes T. lewisi and various nonpathogenic species.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Trypanosoma — Trypanosomen Trypanosoma cruzi Systematik ohne Rang: Excavata ohne Rang … Deutsch Wikipedia
Trypanosomen — Trypanosoma cruzi Systematik ohne Rang: Excavata ohne Rang: Euglenozoa … Deutsch Wikipedia
Trypanosoma — A genus of asexual digenetic protozoan flagellates (family Trypanosomatidae) that have a spindle shaped body with an undulating membrane on one side, a single anterior flagellum, and a kinetoplast … Medical dictionary
stercoraria — ster·co·ra·ria (stur″kə rarґe ə) in some systems of classification, a subgroup of the genus Trypanosoma comprising species whose developmental cycle is completed in the hindgut (posterior station) of the vector, with transmission… … Medical dictionary