
Interruption of the axons of a nerve followed by complete degeneration of the peripheral segment, without severance of the supporting structures of the nerve; such a lesion may result from pinching, crushing, or prolonged pressure. SEE ALSO: neurapraxia, neurotmesis. [axon + G. tmesis, a cutting]

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ax·on·o·tme·sis .ak-sə-nət-'mē-səs n, pl -tme·ses -'mē-.sēz axonal nerve damage (as from compression or crushing) that does not completely sever the surrounding endoneurial sheath so that regeneration can take place

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rupture of nerve fibres (axons) within an intact nerve sheath. This may result from prolonged pressure or crushing and it is followed by degeneration of the nerve beyond the point of rupture. The prognosis for nerve regeneration is good. Compare neurapraxia, neurotmesis.

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ax·on·ot·me·sis (ak″son-ot-meґsis) [axo- + Gr. tmēsis a cutting apart] nerve injury characterized by disruption of the axon and myelin sheath but with preservation of the connective tissue fragments, resulting in degeneration of the axon distal to the injury site; regeneration of the axon is spontaneous and of good quality. Cf. neurapraxia and neurotmesis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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