- homonymous hemianopia
- hemianopia affecting the right halves or the left halves of the visual fields of the two eyes.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
hemianopia — Also known as hemianopsia. Both terms come from the Greek words hèmi (half), an (not), and opsis (seeing). They translate loosely as blindness in one half of the visual field . Phe nomenologically, various types of hemianopia can be… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
hemianopia — Loss of vision for one half of the visual field of one or both eyes. SYN: hemianopsia. absolute h. hemianopsia in which the affected field is totally insensitive to all visual stimuli. SYN: complete h.. altitudinal h. a defect in the visual … Medical dictionary
Homonymous hemianopsia — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = Paris as seen with left homonymous hemianopsia DiseasesDB = ICD10 = ICD10|H|53|4|h|53 ICD9 = ICD9|368.46 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = Homonymous hemianopsia is a… … Wikipedia
hemianopia — n. absence of half of the normal field of vision. The commonest type is homonymous hemianopia, in which the same half (right or left) is lost in both eyes. Sometimes the inner halves of the visual field are lost in both eyes, producing a binasal… … The new mediacal dictionary
homonymous — Having the same name or expressed in the same terms, e.g., the corresponding halves (right or left, superior or inferior) of the retinas. [G. h., of the same name, fr. onyma, name] * * * hom·on·y·mous hō män ə məs adj 1) affecting the same part… … Medical dictionary
congruous hemianopia — homonymous hemianopia in which the defects in the field of vision in each eye are symmetrical in position, shape, size, and degree … Medical dictionary
incongruous hemianopia — homonymous hemianopia in which the defects in the field of vision in the two eyes differ in one or more respects, as in extent or intensity … Medical dictionary
homonymous — adj. describing a visual defect in which the visual field to one side of the body is restricted in both eyes (see hemianopia) … The new mediacal dictionary
Гемианопия (Hemianopia) — выпадение одной из двух половин нормального поля зрения. Чаще всего у людей встречается гомонимная гемианопия (homonymous hemianopia), при которой одна и та же половина поля зрения (правая или левая) выпадает в обоих глазах. Иногда у человека… … Медицинские термины
lateral hemianopia — homonymous h … Medical dictionary