
he·ma·phe·re·sis (he″mə-fə-reґsis) apheresis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • hemapheresis — /hee meuh fer euh sis, hem euh /, n. apheresis. [HEM + APHERESIS] * * * …   Universalium

  • hemapheresis — /hee meuh fer euh sis, hem euh /, n. apheresis. [HEM + APHERESIS] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Apheresis — The process of removing a specific component from blood and returning the remaining components to the donor, in order to collect more of one particular part of the blood than could be separated from a unit of whole blood. Also called hemapheresis …   Medical dictionary

  • phe|re|sis — «fuh REE sihs», noun. = hemapheresis. (Cf. ↑hemapheresis) …   Useful english dictionary

  • blood bank — 1. a place where blood or blood plasma is collected, processed, stored, and distributed. 2. such a supply of blood or blood plasma. [1935 40] * * * Organization that collects, stores, processes, and supplies blood. Most blood donations are… …   Universalium

  • apheresis — noun a) The removal of blood from a patient in order that certain components (such as platelets) may be removed before transfusion back to the donor. b) The loss of letters or sounds from the beginning of a word, such as the development of from …   Wiktionary

  • he|ma|phe|re|sis — «HEE muh fuh REE sihs», noun. a process for separating and removing part of the blood, while returning the remainder to the bloodstream. Hemapheresis is used in blood banks and in therapy. ╂[< hem + Greek aphaíresis a taking away] …   Useful english dictionary

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