- Hasner fold valve
- Has·ner fold, valve (hahsґnər) [Joseph Ritter von Artha Hasner, Czech ophthalmologist, 1819–1892] see plica lacrimalis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Hasner's valve — n. mucous membranous flap that protects the lower opening of the nasolacrimal duct, lacrimal fold … English contemporary dictionary
valve of Hasner — valve of Has·ner häs nər n PLICA LACRIMALIS Hasner Joseph Ritter von Artha (1819 1892) Bohemian ophthalmologist. Hasner was a professor of ophthalmology at Prague. In 1850 he published a monograph on the physiology and pathology of the… … Medical dictionary
fold — 1. A ridge or margin apparently formed by the doubling back of a lamina. SYN: plica. 2. In the embryo, a transient elevation or reduplication of tissue in the form of a lamina … Medical dictionary
Joseph Hasner — Joseph Hasner, Ritter von Artha (August 13, 1819 1892) was an Austrian ophthalmologist who was a native of Prague. He studied medicine at the University of Prague, and subsequently was an assistant at Johann Fischer s eye clinic in Prague, and… … Wikipedia
lacrimal fold — n. mucous membranous flap that protects the lower opening of the nasolacrimal duct, Hasner s valve … English contemporary dictionary
plica lacrimalis — plica lac·ri·ma·lis .lak rə mā ləs n an imperfect valve at the opening of the nasolacrimal duct into the inferior meatus of the nose called also valve of Hasner * * * [TA] lacrimal fold: a fold of mucous membrane at the lower opening of the… … Medical dictionary