- Haemaphysalis spinigera
- a species that attacks rodents and a few other mammals in the tropical forests of India and is a vector of the virus causing Kyasanur Forest disease in forest workers.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Haemaphysalis — Haemaphysalis … Wikipédia en Français
Haemaphysalis — A genus of small, eyeless, inornate ticks. As larvae and nymphs, they are found chiefly on small mammals and birds; as adults, they are found on larger mammals and some birds. They are important as vectors of protozoa and viruses, (e.g., Kyasanur … Medical dictionary
Haemaphysalis — n. a genus of hard ticks. Certain species transmit tick typhus in the Old World; H. spinigera transmits the virus causing Kyasanur Forest disease in India … The new mediacal dictionary
Kyasanur forest disease — DiseaseDisorder infobox Name = Kyasanur forest disease ICD10 = A98.2 ICD9 = ICD9|065.2 MeshID = D007733 Taxobox name = Kyasanur forest disease virus virus group = iv familia = Flaviviridae genus = Flavivirus species = Kyasanur forest disease… … Wikipedia
Medical entomology — Aedes albopictus The discipline of medical entomology, or public health entomology, and also veterinary entomology is focused upon insects and arthropods that impact human health. Veterinary entomology is included in this category, because many… … Wikipedia
Геморраги́ческие лихора́дки — природно очаговые вирусные болезни, характеризующиеся развитием геморрагического синдрома на фоне остролихорадочного состояния. Вирусы, вызывающие Г. л., принадлежат к 7 родам 5 вирусных семейств (см. Вирусные инфекции). По механизму передачи… … Медицинская энциклопедия
Kyasanur-Wald-Fieber — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 A98.2 Kyasanur Wald Krankheit … Deutsch Wikipedia
Болезнь Кьясанурского Леса (Kyasanur Forest Disease) — тропическое заболевание, распространенное в северной части Индии; вызывается вирусом, попадающим в организм человека через укусы обитающих в лесу клещей вида Haemaphysalis spinigera. Симптомами заболевания являются: лихорадка, головная боль и… … Медицинские термины
Disease — Illness or sickness often characterized by typical patient problems (symptoms) and physical findings (signs). Disruption sequence: The events that occur when a fetus that is developing normally is subjected to a destructive agent such as the… … Medical dictionary
Kyasanur Forest disease — a tropical disease, common in southern India, caused by a virus transmitted to humans through the bite of the forest dwelling tick Haemaphysalis spinigera. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscular pains, vomiting, conjunctivitis, exhaustion,… … Medical dictionary