
That member of abnormal, unequal conjoined twins that is able to live independently and nourish the other member (parasite) of the pair. [auto- + G. sitos, food]

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au·to·site -.sīt n the larger part of a double fetus that is usu. capable of independent existence and nourishes both itself and the parasitic twin compare OMPHALOSITE

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au·to·site (awґto-sīt) [auto- + site] the larger, more nearly normal component of asymmetrical conjoined twins, to which the parasite is attached as a dependent growth. autositic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Autosite — can mean: *The independent twin of a pair of conjoined twins where the other twin is a parasitic twin. *Website about cars …   Wikipedia

  • autosite — [otozit] n. m. ÉTYM. D. i. (XXe ou fin XIXe → Autositaire); de auto (I.), et grec sitos « nourriture ». ❖ ♦ Pathol. Monstre suffisamment développé pour avoir une vie autonome, plus ou moins longue, après la naissance. ❖ …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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