- olfactory gyrus medial
- g. olfactorius medialis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
olfactory gyrus — n either a lateral or a medial gyrus on each side of the brain by which the olfactory tract on the corresponding side communicates with the olfactory area … Medical dictionary
olfactory gyrus — noun : either a lateral or a medial gyrus by which the olfactory tract on either side communicates with the olfactory area of the brain … Useful english dictionary
Olfactory tubercle — Latin tuberculum olfactorium The olfactory tubercle is a structure involved in Olfaction. It is present in humans, but much smaller than it is in some other animals. It is a frequent subject of research.[1][2] … Wikipedia
Medial olfactory stria — Brain: Medial olfactory stria Scheme of rhinencephalon. (Medial olfactory stria not visible, but olfactory tract visible at left.) Latin stria olfactoria medialis Gray s … Wikipedia
Medial globus pallidus — Brain: Medial globus pallidus Globus pallidus labeled at bottom right … Wikipedia
Olfactory tract — Brain: Olfactory tract Scheme of rhinencephalon. (Olfactory tract visible at left.) Latin tractus olfactorius Gray s … Wikipedia
Olfactory bulb — Brain: Olfactory bulb Vesalius Fabrica, 1543. Olfactory Bulbs and Olfactory tracts outlined in red … Wikipedia
Olfactory trigone — Brain: Olfactory trigone Scheme of rhinencephalon. (Olfactory trigone not labeled, but region is visible at bottom left, between anterior perforated substance and olfactory tract.) … Wikipedia
gyrus olfactorius medialis — [TA] medial olfactory gyrus: the layer of gray substance covering the medial olfactory stria … Medical dictionary
Medial eye fields — are areas in the frontal lobe of the primate brain that play a role in visually guided eye movement[1]. Most Neuroscientists refer to this area as the supplementary eye fields. Notes ^ Schiller PH, Chou IH. The effects of frontal eye field and… … Wikipedia