RhoGAM — Rh0(D) immune globulin, an injectable drug used to protect an Rh+ fetus from antibodies in an Rh mother’s blood, and to prevent Rh allergy in the mother. * * * RhoD immune globulin * * * (roґgam) trademark for a preparation of Rh0(D) immune… … Medical dictionary
Rh isoimmunization — development of antibodies against Rh antigens, the antigen involved in almost all cases being the Rh0 antigen (D antigen). Rh isoimmunization of Rh negative women may occur after transfusion of Rh positive blood or during pregnancy with an Rh… … Medical dictionary
anti-D — an·ti D antibody against the “D†or “Rh0†antigen, one of the Rh factors; see Rh0 (D) immune globulin under globulin … Medical dictionary
Incompatibility, Rh — The state of mother and fetus having different Rh blood group types so that their Rh types are incompatible. The red blood cells of an Rh+ (Rh positive) fetus may in this situation be attacked by antibodies produced by the Rh (Rh negative) mother … Medical dictionary
Rh incompatibility — The state of mother and fetus having different Rh blood group types so that their Rh types are incompatible. The red blood cells of an Rh+ (Rh positive) fetus may in this situation be attacked by antibodies produced by the Rh (Rh negative) mother … Medical dictionary
BayRho-D — Bay·Rho D (baґro de) trademark for a preparation of Rh0(D) immune globulin … Medical dictionary
Gamulin Rh — Gam·u·lin Rh (gamґu lin) trademark for a preparation of Rh0(D) immune globulin … Medical dictionary
HypRho-D — Hyp·Rho D (hiґpro de) trademark for preparations of Rh0(D) immune globulin … Medical dictionary
MICRhoGAM — MIC·Rho·GAM (miґkro gam″) trademark for a preparation of Rh0(D) immune globulin … Medical dictionary
WinRho — Win·Rho (winґro) trademark for preparations of Rh0(D) immune globulin … Medical dictionary