absorbent gauze sterile — absorbent gauze that has been sterilized and subsequently protected from contamination … Medical dictionary
absorbent — 1. Having the power to absorb, soak up, or take into itself a gas, liquid, light rays, or heat. SYN: absorptive, bibulous. 2. Any substance possessing such power. 3. Material (usually … Medical dictionary
gauze bandage — [USP] Type I absorbent gauze containing no dyes or additives; it may be sterilized … Medical dictionary
gauze — A bleached cotton cloth of plain weave, used for dressings, bandages, and absorbent sponges; petrolatum g. is saturated with petrolatum. [Fr. gaze, fr. Ar. gazz, raw silk] * * * gauze gȯz n a loosely woven cotton surgical dressing * * * n. thin… … Medical dictionary
zinc gelatin–impregnated gauze — absorbent gauze impregnated with zinc gelatin that may contain a small amount of ferric oxide as coloring matter; see also Unna boot, under boot … Medical dictionary
petrolatum gauze — [USP] absorbent gauze saturated with white petrolatum; used as a protective covering for wounds … Medical dictionary
bandage — 1. A piece of cloth or other material, of varying shape and size, applied to a body part to provide compression, protect from external contamination, prevent drying, absorb drainage, prevent motion, and retain surgical dressings. 2 … Medical dictionary
Gamgee Tissue — is a surgical dressing invented by Dr. Joseph Sampson Gamgee in Birmingham, England, in 1880.Gamgee Tissue has a thick layer of absorbent cotton wool between two layers of absorbent gauze. It represents the first use of cotton wool in a medical… … Wikipedia
Dressing (medical) — An adhesive island dressing, in its original packaging (left) and on a person s wrist (right). A dressing is an adjunct used by a person for application to a wound to promote healing and/or prevent further harm. A dressing is designed to be in… … Wikipedia
adhesive bandage — noun bandage consisting of a medical dressing of plain absorbent gauze held in place by a plastic or fabric tape coated with adhesive • Hypernyms: ↑bandage, ↑patch • Hyponyms: ↑Band Aid, ↑Elastoplast * * * a bandage consisting of a small pad of… … Useful english dictionary