- Atropa
- A genus of plants (family Solanaceae) of which A. belladonna is typical. See belladonna. [G. Atropos, one of the Fates cutting the thread of life, because of the lethal effects of the plant]
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At·ro·pa 'a-trə-pə n a genus of Eurasian and African herbs (as belladonna) of the family Solanaceae that have entire leaves, a usu. bell-shaped calyx and corolla, and a fruit that is a berry and that are a source of medicinal alkaloids (as atropine and scopolamine) At·ro·pos 'a-trə-.päs, -pəs Greek mythological character. The three Fates of Greek mythology were pictured as old women who spun out every person's destiny as if it were a thread. Clotho spun the thread, Lachesis measured it out, and Atropos cut it off. Belladonna was the first plant to be named in the genus Atropa. As the plant is highly poisonous, the genus was appropriately named after the goddess who cut the thread of life.* * *
At·ro·pa (atґro-pə) [Gr. Atropos “undeviating,†one of the Fates] a genus of plants of the family Solanaceae, many of which contain alkaloids such as atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine. A. belladonґna is deadly nightshade or belladonna (q.v.).
Medical dictionary. 2011.