axifugal — Extending away from an axis or axon. SYN: axofugal. [L. axis + fugio, to flee from] * * * ax·if·u·gal (ak sifґu gəl) [axi + fugal2] directed away from an axon or axis … Medical dictionary
cellulifugal — Moving from, or extending in a direction away from, a cell or cell body; denoting certain cells repelled by other cells, or processes extending from the body of a cell. [cellula + L. fugio, to flee] * * * cellulifugal var of CELLIFUGAL * * *… … Medical dictionary
centrifugal — 1. Denoting the direction of the force pulling an object outward (away) from an axis of rotation. 2. Sometimes, by analogy, extended to describe any movement away from a center. Cf.:eccentric (2). [L. centrum, center, + fugio, to flee] * * *… … Medical dictionary
hepatofugal — Away from the liver, usually referring to portal blood flow. * * * hep·a·tof·u·gal (hep″ə tofґu gəl) [hepato + fugal2] directed or flowing away from the liver … Medical dictionary
lucifugal — Avoiding light. [L. lux, light, + fugio, to flee from] * * * lu·cif·u·gal (loo sifґu gəl) [L. lux, gen. lucis light + fugal2] avoiding, or being repelled by, bright light … Medical dictionary
olivifugal — In a direction away from the olive. [oliva + L. fugio, to flee] * * * ol·i·vif·u·gal (ol″ĭ vifґu gəl) [oliva + fugal2] moving or conducting away from the oliva … Medical dictionary
pallidofugal — pal·li·do·fu·gal .pal əd ō fyü gəl, .pal i däf yə gəl adj of a nerve fiber or impulse passing out of the globus pallidus * * * pal·li·dof·u·gal (pal″ĭ dofґu gəl) [pallidum + fugal2] conducting impulses away from the globus… … Medical dictionary
cerebellifugal — cer·e·bel·lif·u·gal (ser″ə bel ifґə gəl) [cerebello + fugal2] tending or proceeding from the cerebellum … Medical dictionary
cerebrifugal — cer·e·brif·u·gal (ser″ə brifґu gəl) [cerebri + fugal2] conducting or proceeding away from the brain, or cerebrum … Medical dictionary
myelofugal — my·elof·u·gal (mi″ə lofґu gəl) [myelo + fugal2] spinifugal … Medical dictionary