- fracture by contrecoup
- a fracture of the skull opposite to the site of impact.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
contrecoup — Denoting the manner of a contrafissura, as in the skull, at a point opposite that at which the blow was received. SEE ALSO: c. injury of brain. [Fr. counter blow] * * * con·tre·coup kōn trə .kü, kän n injury (as when the brain strikes the skull)… … Medical dictionary
fracture — 1. To break. 2. A break, especially the breaking of a bone or cartilage. [L. fractura, a break] apophysial f. separation of apophysis from bone. articular f. a f. involving the joint … Medical dictionary
Coup contrecoup injury — When the head strikes a fixed object, the coup injury occurs at the site of impact and the contrecoup injury occurs at the opposite side. In head injury, a coup injury occurs under the site of impact with an object, and a contrecoup injury occurs … Wikipedia
Head injury — Classification and external resources ICD 10 S00.0S09 ICD 9 … Wikipedia
AFRIQUE DU SUD (RÉPUBLIQUE D’) — Presque entièrement située au sud du tropique du Capricorne, l’Afrique du Sud constitue un vaste ensemble géographique. La population totale dépassait les 30 millions d’habitants en 1992 et approchait les 35 millions si l’on prenait en compte la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Traumatic brain injury — See also: Brain injury (disambiguation) Traumatic brain injury Classification and external resources … Wikipedia
séquelle — [ sekɛl ] n. f. • 1369; lat. sequel(l)a 1 ♦ Vx Péj. Suite de gens attachés aux intérêts de qqn. 2 ♦ (1393) Vx Conséquence. ♢ (1904; angl. sequel; lat. méd. sequela [1793]) Mod. souvent plur. Suites, complications plus ou moins tardives et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pulmonary contusion — Classification and external resources A CT scan showing a pulmonary contusion (red arrow) accompanied by a rib fracture (blue arrow) ICD 10 S … Wikipedia
nervous system disease — Introduction any of the diseases or disorders that affect the functioning of the human nervous system (nervous system, human). Everything that humans sense, consider, and effect and all the unlearned reflexes of the body depend on the… … Universalium
MÉDITERRANÉE (HISTOIRE DE LA) — C’est autour de la Méditerranée que se développèrent et s’épanouirent les civilisations de l’Antiquité classique grecque et romaine. Platon comparait les hommes à «des fourmis ou des grenouilles autour d’un étang». Quand on s’éloignait des rives… … Encyclopédie Universelle