- Fluothane
- Flu·o·thane (flooґo-thān) trademark for a preparation of halothane.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Fluothane® — /flooˈō thān/ noun A proprietary name for ↑halothane … Useful english dictionary
fluothane — noun Halothane … Wiktionary
fluothane — /ˈflʊəθeɪn/ (say floouhthayn) noun halothane, a general inhalant anaesthetic. {trademark} …
Charles Suckling — Charles Walter Suckling, Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)[1] (1920 ) is a British chemist who first synthesised halothane, a volatile inhalational anaesthetic in 1951, while working at the Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI)… … Wikipedia
halothane — /hal euh thayn /, n. Pharm. a colorless liquid, C2HBrClF3, used as an inhalant for general anesthesia. [1955 60; HALO + thane, as in fluothane] * * * ▪ drug also called 2 bromo 2 chloro 1,1,1 trifluoroethane , or fluothane nonflammable,… … Universalium
Halothane — Systematic (IUPAC) name 2 Bromo 2 chloro 1,1,1 trifluoroethane … Wikipedia
Methoxyflurane — Methoxyflurane … Wikipedia
Sleeping gas — is a fictional oneirogenic gas described in books and films. In these works of fiction, sleeping gas induces a deep delta sleep. Most of the time, it is used by a character to incapacitate another character or characters. In some cases, science… … Wikipedia
Jaume Raventos — (1905 1982)Catalan scientist and pharmacologist, who as a refugee from Franco s Spain worked in Edinburgh and Manchester. Intimately involved in the characterisation of Halothane (Fluothane) in conjunction with Charles Suckling. Known as James… … Wikipedia
Галос (Halos) — цветные кольца, которые видят вокруг источников света люди, страдающие острой глаукомой или (реже) катарактой.ГАЛОТАН (halothane) сильнодействующий общий анестетик; назначается в ингаляциях; применяется для усиления действия и поддержания всех… … Медицинские термины