Retrograde pyelogram — is a urologic procedure where the physician injects contrast into the ureter in order to visualize the ureter and kidney. The flow of contrast (up from the bladder to the kidney) is opposite the usual flow of urine, hence the retrograde name.… … Wikipedia
retrograde amalgam — see under filling … Medical dictionary
Back filling — Back Back, a. 1. Being at the back or in the rear; distant; remote; as, the back door; back settlements. [1913 Webster] 2. Being in arrear; overdue; as, back rent. [1913 Webster] 3. Moving or operating backward; as, back action. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Trendelenburg Test — A Trendelenburg Test determines the competency of the valves in communicating veins between the superficial and deep veins of the leg. The leg is raised above heart level until the veins become empty, then the leg is quickly lowered. Superficial… … Wikipedia
enema — A rectal injection for clearing out the bowel, or administering drugs or food. [G.] air contrast e. a radiographic double contrast e. in which air is introduced after coating of the colon with a dense barium suspension. SYN … Medical dictionary
Austin Flint murmur — a heart murmur that is loudest in diastole and associated with a third heart sound. It is a sign of aortic regurgitation, which allows retrograde filling and rapid rise in left intraventricular pressure. This prevents the mitral valve from… … The new mediacal dictionary
Tone row — P 0 tone row melody from Arnold Schoenberg s Op. 25 Minuet Trio opening[1] … Wikipedia
wave — 1. A movement of particles in an elastic body, whether solid or fluid, whereby an advancing series of alternate elevations and depressions, or rarefactions and condensations, is produced. 2. The elevation of the pulse, felt by the finger, or… … Medical dictionary
Wurzelspitzenresektion — Extrahierter Zahn, der früher einer Wurzelspitzenresektion unterzogen wurde Die Wurzelspitzenresektion (WSR, auch Apektomie, Wurzelspitzenamputation) ist eine Entfernung (Resektion) einer Wurzelspitze (Apex) des Zahnes. Zwischen Wurzelspitzen und … Deutsch Wikipedia
triton — /truy ton/, n. Physics. a positively charged particle consisting of a proton and two neutrons, equivalent to the nucleus of an atom of tritium. Cf. deuteron. [1930 35; < Gk tríton, neut. of trítos THIRD, equiv. to trí TRI + ton neut. adj. suffix; … Universalium