- fields of Forel
- Forel fields three areas in the ventral thalamus that are rich in nerve fibers and associated with cell groups. They are designated fields H, H1>, and H2>. Called also areas of Forel.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Forel decussation fields (areas) — Fo·rel decussation, fields (areas) (fo relґ) [Auguste Henri Forel, Swiss psychiatrist, 1848–1931] see decussationes tegmentales, under decussatio, and see under field … Medical dictionary
Forel — Auguste H., Swiss neurologist, 1848–1931. See F. decussation, fields of F., under field, tegmental fields of F., under field … Medical dictionary
field — A definite area of plane surface, considered in relation to some specific object. [A.S. feld] auditory f. the space included within the limits of hearing of a definite sound, as of a tuning fork … Medical dictionary
Nucleus — 1) In cell biology, the structure that houses the chromosomes. 2) In neuroanatomy, a group of nerve cells. * * * 1. In cytology, typically a rounded or oval mass of protoplasm within the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell; it is surrounded by a… … Medical dictionary
subthalamus — That part of the diencephalon that lies wedged between the thalamus on the dorsal side and the cerebral peduncle ventrally, lateral to the dorsal half of the hypothalamus from which it cannot be sharply delineated. It is composed of the… … Medical dictionary
campotomy — cam·pot·o·my (kam potґə me) [L. campi fields (of Forel) + tomy] the stereotaxic surgical technique of producing a lesion in the Forel fields, beneath the thalamus, for correction of tremor in Parkinson disease … Medical dictionary
field H — of Forel one of the fields of Forel, lying medial to the subthalamic nucleus, immediately rostral to the red nucleus; it is a large area in which pallidofugal, dentatothalamic, and rubrothalamic fibers and associated nuclei merge, uniting fields… … Medical dictionary
thalamic fasciculus — fasciculus thalamicus [TA] a conjoined bundle of fibers beginning in field H of Forel, where the ansa lenticularis and lenticular fasciculus join and pass dorsal to the zona incerta to reach some of the ventral nuclei of the thalamus; it contains … Medical dictionary
field H1 — of Forel one of the fields of Forel; it is the area occupied by the thalamic fasciculus, although the term is sometimes used synonymously with thalamic fasciculus … Medical dictionary
field H2 — of Forel one of the fields of Forel; it is the area along the course of the lenticular fasciculus where the fibers of the fasciculus merge with the dorsal aspect of the subthalamic nucleus and the ventral aspect of the zona incerta … Medical dictionary