fetus acardiacus
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acardiacus amorphus — noun A deformed fetus having developed no heart, and otherwise being a shapeless lump with only rudiments of organs, connected as a parasite to another fetus … Wiktionary
acardiacus — noun A deformed fetus having developed no heart, connected as a parasite to another fetus … Wiktionary
acardiacus acephalus — noun A deformed fetus having developed no heart, a stunted head, and a rudimentary thorax, but with a perfectly formed pelvis and contiguous parts, connected as a parasite to another fetus … Wiktionary
acardiacus anceps — noun A deformed fetus for which development of the heart, head and extremities are all rudimentary, connected as a parasite to another fetus … Wiktionary
acardius — A twin without a heart that remains viable by using the placental circulation of its mate. a. acephalus acephalocardius; an acardiac conceptus in which the head and thoracic organs are absent; ribs and vertebrae may be present, and upper l … Medical dictionary
ПЛОД — ПЛОД. Содержание: Длина, вес и развитие П.............. 465 Химический состав П. ............... 469 Физиология П. .................... 470 Перенашивание П........ ........... 475 Радиография П................... 481 Заболевания П … Большая медицинская энциклопедия