semilunar fascia

semilunar fascia
aponeurosis musculi bicipitis brachii.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Fascia — A flat band of tissue below the skin that covers underlying tissues and separates different layers of tissue. Fascia encloses muscles. Inflammation of the fascia is referred to as fasciitis. Fascia is the Latin word for band or bandage. * * * A… …   Medical dictionary

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  • aponeurosis — A fibrous sheet or flat, expanded tendon, giving attachment to muscular fibers and serving as the means of origin or insertion of a flat muscle; it sometimes also performs the office of a fascia for other muscles. [G. the end of the muscle where… …   Medical dictionary

  • aponeurosis musculi bicipitis brachii — [TA] aponeurosis of biceps muscle of arm: an expansion of the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle by which it is attached to the fascia of the forearm and to the ulna; called also bicipital a., a. bicipitalis [TA alternative], lacertus fibrosus… …   Medical dictionary

  • fold — 1. A ridge or margin apparently formed by the doubling back of a lamina. SYN: plica. 2. In the embryo, a transient elevation or reduplication of tissue in the form of a lamina …   Medical dictionary

  • tract — An elongated area, e.g., path, track, way. SEE ALSO: fascicle. SYN: tractus. [L. tractus, a drawing out] alimentary t. SYN: digestive t.. anterior corticospinal t. uncrossed fibers forming a small bundle in the anterior funiculus of the …   Medical dictionary

  • space — Any demarcated portion of the body, either an area of the surface, a segment of the tissues, or a cavity. SEE ALSO: area, region, zone. SYN: spatium [TA]. [L. spatium, room, s.] alveolar dead s …   Medical dictionary

  • Hernia — A general term referring to a protrusion of a tissue through the wall of the cavity in which it is normally contained. More specifically, a hernia often refers to an opening or weakness in the muscular structure of the wall of the abdomen. This… …   Medical dictionary

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  • triangle — In anatomy and surgery, a three sided area with arbitrary or natural boundaries. SEE ALSO: trigonum, region. [L. triangulum, fr. tri , three, + angulus, angle] anal t. [TA] the posterior portion of the perineal region through which the …   Medical dictionary

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