Base Excess — (BE), deutsch auch als Basenabweichung oder Basenüberschuss bzw. Basendefizit bezeichnet, ist ein berechneter Parameter, der anhand einer Blutgasanalyse bestimmt wird und Aussagen über stoffwechselbedingte (metabolische) Störungen des Säure Basen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Base excess — In human physiology, base excess (see: base) refers to the amount of acid required to return the blood pH of an individual to the reference interval pH (7.35 7.45) with the amount of carbondioxide held at a standard value. The value is usually… … Wikipedia
Base Realignment and Closure — (or BRAC) is a process of the United States federal government directed at the administration and operation of the Armed Forces, used by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and Congress to close excess military installations and realign … Wikipedia
excess profits tax — noun A tax on profits in excess of those for a specified base period or over a rate adopted as a reasonable return on capital • • • Main Entry: ↑excess … Useful english dictionary
base year — USA The benchmark used to determine a tenant s proportionate share of taxes and operating expenses for premises located in a multi tenant building. Depending on the terms of the lease, each lease year (other than the first lease year) the tenant… … Law dictionary
excess-profits tax — /ek ses prof its/ a tax on the profits of a business enterprise in excess of the average profits for a number of base years, or of a specified rate of return on capital. [1910 15] * * * ▪ finance a tax levied on profits in excess of a… … Universalium
excess-profits tax — noun : a tax imposed especially during war on business profits that are in excess of the average profits over a specified base period, of a specified rate of return on invested capital, or of a specified rate of return on certain military… … Useful english dictionary
Excess Crude Account — A Nigerian government account used to save oil revenues above a base amount derived from a defined benchmark price. The Excess Crude Account was established in 2004, and its objective is primarily to protect planned budgets against shortfalls due … Investment dictionary
base — [[t]be͟ɪs[/t]] ♦ bases, basing, based, baser, basest 1) N COUNT: usu the N of n The base of something is its lowest edge or part. There was a cycle path running along this side of the wall, right at its base... Line the base and sides of a 20cm… … English dictionary
excess profits tax — tax on the profits of a business enterprise in excess of the average profits for a number of base years, ept (Finance) … English contemporary dictionary