- Eutrombicula splendens
- a species whose larva (chigger) causes trombiculiasis in the southeastern United States; called also Trombicula splendens.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Trombicula splendens — Eutrombicula splendens … Medical dictionary
Тромбидиаз — Trombiculosis Поражение ноги при тромбидиазе МКБ 10 … Википедия
chigger — /chig euhr/, n. 1. Also called harvest mite, redbug. the six legged larva of a mite of the family Trombiculidae, parasitic on humans and other vertebrates, sucking blood and causing severe itching and acting as a vector of scrub typhus and other… … Universalium
chigger — The six legged larva of Trombicula species and other members of the family Trombiculidae; a bloodsucking stage of mites that includes the vectors of scrub typhus. * * * chig·ger chig ər, jig n 1) CHIGOE (1) … Medical dictionary