- Erb-Charcot disease
- Erb-Char·cot disease (erbґ shahr-koґ) [W.H. Erb; Jean Martin Charcot, French neurologist, 1825–1893] Erb spastic paraplegia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Erb-Charcot disease — Erb spastic paraplegia … Medical dictionary
Erb spastic paraplegia — Erb syphilitic spastic paraplegia an uncommon form of meningovascular neurosyphilis marked by progressive spasticity and weakness of the legs, paraplegia, muscular atrophy, paresthesia, increased knee and ankle reflexes, and incontinence. Called… … Medical dictionary
Disease — Illness or sickness often characterized by typical patient problems (symptoms) and physical findings (signs). Disruption sequence: The events that occur when a fetus that is developing normally is subjected to a destructive agent such as the… … Medical dictionary
Charcot — Jean M., French neurologist, 1825–1893. See C. arteries, C. disease, C. intermittent fever, C. gait, C. joint, C. syndrome, C. triad, C. vertigo, C. Leyden crystals, under crystal, C. Neumann crystals, under crystal, C. Robin crystals, under… … Medical dictionary
Erb — Wilhelm H., German neurologist, 1840–1921. See E. disease, E. palsy, E. paralysis, E. Charcot disease, Duchenne E. paralysis … Medical dictionary
Wilhelm Heinrich Erb — (November 30, 1840 1921) was a German neurologist who was a native of Winnweiler, Palatinate. In 1864 he received his medical degree from the University of Heidelberg, and for several years was an assistant to pathologist Nikolaus Friedreich… … Wikipedia
Parkinson's disease — Parkinson s redirects here. For other uses, see Parkinson s (disambiguation). Parkinson s disease Classification and external resources … Wikipedia
paraplegia — Paralysis of both lower extremities and, generally, the lower trunk. [para + plege, a stroke] ataxic p. progressive ataxia and paresis of the leg muscles due to sclerosis of the lateral and posterior funiculi of the … Medical dictionary
diplegia — Paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body. SYN: double hemiplegia. [G. di , two, + plege, a stroke] congenital facial d. SYN: Möbius syndrome. facial d. paralysis of both sides of the face. infantile d. SYN: spastic d … Medical dictionary
Liste der Syndrome — Diese Seite listet in alphabetischer Reihenfolge und ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit Syndrome und Komplexe aus unterschiedlichen medizinischen Fachgebieten auf. Bitte nur Verweise auf den tatsächlichen Titel des Beitrags und keine… … Deutsch Wikipedia