- gingival epithelium
- the stratified squamous epithelium covering the gingival tissues; it varies in architecture according to location, functional demands, and adaptation.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
gingival crevice — n a narrow space between the free margin of the gingival epithelium and the adjacent enamel of a tooth called also gingival trough * * * a shallow trough or fissure surrounding the anatomic crown of a tooth; considered by some authorities to be… … Medical dictionary
gingival crevice — noun : a narrow space between the free margin of the gingival epithelium and the adjacent enamel of a tooth … Useful english dictionary
Gingival graft — Intervention ICD 9 CM 24.2 24.3 A gingival graft (also called gum graft or periodontal plastic sur … Wikipedia
Gingival and periodontal pocket — A periodontal pocket is a dental term indicating the presence of an abnormally deepened gingival sulcus as it contacts a tooth.The tooth/gingiva interfaceContrary to what may be perceived by most people, the interface between a tooth and the… … Wikipedia
Epithelium — The outside layer of cells that covers all the free, open surfaces of the body including the skin, and mucous membranes that communicate with the outside of the body. By contrast the endothelium is the layer of cells lining the closed internal… … Medical dictionary
Gingival sulcus — The gingival sulcus is an area of potential space between a tooth and the surrounding gingival tissue and is lined by sulcular epithelium. The depth of the sulcus (Latin for groove ) is bounded by two entities: apically by the gingival fibers of… … Wikipedia
gingival sulcus — sulcus gingivalis [TA] a shallow V shaped space around the tooth, bounded by the tooth surface on one side and the epithelium lining the free margin of the gingiva on the other; considered by some authorities to be the same as the gingival… … Medical dictionary
gingival curettage — removal with a curet of the inflamed tissue wall of a periodontal pocket, including junctional and pocket epithelium and immediately underlying connective tissue. Called also subgingival c … Medical dictionary
gingival glands — glandlike infoldings of epithelium at the junction of gingiva and tooth … Medical dictionary
sulcal epithelium — sulcular epithelium the parakeratinized part of the gingival epithelium that covers the soft tissue wall of the gingival sulcus, extending from the gingival margin to the line of attachment of the epithelium to the tooth surface … Medical dictionary