- sonde enteroscopy
- an older type of enteroscopy using a sonde that has a balloon on the tip so that it advances by peristalsis into the distal jejunum and the ileum; it visualizes while it is being slowly withdrawn.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
enteroscope — A speculum for inspecting the inside of the intestine in operative cases. [entero + G. skopeo, to view] * * * n. an illuminated optical instrument used to inspect the interior of the small intestine. The image is transmitted through a fibreoptic… … Medical dictionary
enteroscope — n. an illuminated optical instrument used to inspect the interior of the small intestine. The image is transmitted through a fibreoptic bundle or by a tiny video camera. The push type, about 280 cm long and of variable stiffness, is introduced by … The new mediacal dictionary