- enteritis necroticans
- a type of enteritis characterized by necrosis, caused by Clostridium perfringens type C.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Enteritis — Entzündung der Darmwand * * * En|te|ri|tis 〈f.; , ti|den; Med.〉 Entzündung des Dünndarms [→ enteral] * * * En|te|ri|tis, die; , …itiden [zu griech. énteron, ↑ Enteron] (Med.): Entzündung des Dünndarms; Darmkatarrh. * * * … Universal-Lexikon
enteritis — Inflammation of the intestine, especially of the small intestine. [entero + G. itis, inflammation] e. anaphylactica a hemorrhagic and necrotizing inflammation developing in the ileum (and also the colon) of sensitized dogs when they are fed a… … Medical dictionary
Clostridial necrotizing enteritis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 A05.2 ICD 9 005.2 Clostridial necro … Wikipedia
Clostridium perfringens — C. perfringens Clostridium perfringens Systematik Abteilung: Firmicutes Klasse: Clos … Deutsch Wikipedia
Erdkeime — C. perfringens Clostridium perfringens Systematik Abteilung: Firmicutes Klasse … Deutsch Wikipedia
Karl Hansen — (* 7. Mai 1893 in Trier; † 20. Oktober 1962 in Neckargemünd) war ein deutscher Internist, Allergologe und Neurologe. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Ausbildung und erste Forschungstätigkeit in Heidelberg 2 Allergieforschung in Lübeck … Deutsch Wikipedia
clostridial infection — ▪ pathology any of several infectious conditions in animals and humans resulting from Clostridium species, bacteria that are found in soil and that enter the body via puncture wounds or contaminated food. These bacteria synthesize and release… … Universalium
Clostridium perfringens — A type of bacteria that is the most common agent of gas gangrene and can also cause food poisoning as well as a fulminant form of bowel disease called necrotizing colitis. Clostridium perfringens is the same as Clostridium welchii. * * * the most … Medical dictionary
Darmbrand — Dạrmbrand vgl. Enteritis necroticans … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke