
Systemic poisoning following the bite of a spider (especially of the black widow).
- necrotic a. a. caused by spiders belonging to the genus Loxosceles; cutaneous necrosis develops at the bite site, with slow healing and possible disfigurement.

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arach·nid·ism --.diz-əm n poisoning caused by the bite or sting of an arachnid (as a spider, tick, or scorpion) esp a syndrome marked by extreme pain and muscular rigidity due to the bite of a black widow spider

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poisoning from the bite of a spider. Toxins from the less venomous species of spider cause only local pain, redness, and swelling. Toxins from more venomous species, such as the black widow (Lactrodectus mactans), cause muscular pains, convulsions, nausea, and paralysis.

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arach·nid·ism (ə-rakґnĭ-diz-əm) the condition produced by the bite of a venomous spider; envenomation by a spider. Called also araneism and arachnoidism.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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