Hensen duct
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duct — A tubular structure giving exit to the secretion of a gland or organ, capable of conducting fluid. SEE ALSO: canal. SYN: ductus [TA]. [L. duco, pp. ductus, to lead] aberrant ducts SYN: aberrant ductules, under ductule … Medical dictionary
Hensen — Victor, German anatomist and physiologist, 1835–1924. See H. canal, H. cell, H. disk, H. duct, H. knot, H. line, H. node, H. stripe … Medical dictionary
Victor Hensen — A Korbnetz, one of several inventions by Hensen to collect plankton. Christi … Wikipedia
Canalis reuniens of Hensen — The membranous labyrinth. (Canalis reuniens labeled at bottom center.) … Wikipedia
Ductus — A duct or walled passageway. Our word "duct" is a contraction of the Latin word "ductus" meaning "leading". The Romans, however, preferred the word "canalis" meaning "a pipe or gutter" for a… … Medical dictionary
ductus reuniens — ductus re·uni·ens rē (y)ü nē .enz n a passage in the ear that connects the cochlea and the saccule * * * [TA] a small canal leading from the saccule to the cochlear duct; called also Hensen duct … Medical dictionary
ear, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction organ of hearing and equilibrium that detects and analyzes noises by transduction (or the conversion of sound waves into electrochemical impulses) and maintains the sense of balance (equilibrium). The human ear, like … Universalium
animal development — Introduction the processes that lead eventually to the formation of a new animal starting from cells derived from one or more parent individuals. Development thus occurs following the process by which a new generation of organisms is produced by … Universalium
canal — A duct or channel; a tubular structure. SEE ALSO: c., duct. SYN: canalis [TA]. [L. canalis] abdominal c. SYN: inguinal c.. accessory c. a channel leading from the root … Medical dictionary
List of distinct cell types in the adult human body — There are about 210 distinct human cell types,.[1][2][3] There are between 50 and 75 trillion cells in the human body.[citation needed] Cell types can be classified by their tissue of origin. However, it is possible for some cells to have their… … Wikipedia