Habronema megastoma — Draschia megastoma … Medical dictionary
habronemiasis — hab·ro·ne·mi·a·sis .hab rə nē mī ə səs n, pl a·ses .sēz infestation with or disease caused by roundworms of the genus Habronema and characterized in the horse by gastric tumors and inflammation or by summer sores * * * hab·ro·ne·mi·a·sis… … Medical dictionary
Habronematidae — Hab·ro·ne·mat·i·dae (hab″ro ne matґĭ de) a family of nematodes that includes the genera Draschia and Habronema and cause habronemiasis in horses … Medical dictionary
cutaneous habronemiasis — infection of the skin of a horse with larvae of Habronema or Draschia species; cutaneous granulomas grow in size until the skin around them is destroyed, leaving a large raw surface. Because of the clinical similarity between cutaneous… … Medical dictionary
gastric habronemiasis — infestation of the stomach wall of a horse with larvae of Draschia megastoma, which form large nodules filled with worms and necrotic material. Many affected horses do not show clinical signs, but they may die if the stomach wall is perforated … Medical dictionary