- aortography
- 1. Radiographic imaging of the aorta and its branches, or a portion of the aorta, by injection of contrast medium. 2. Imaging of the aorta by ultrasound or magnetic resonance. [aorta + G. grapho, to write]- retrograde a. a. by the injection of contrast medium into the aorta through one of its branches, e.g., the brachial artery, in a direction against normal arterial blood flow.- translumbar a. early method of a. by injection into the abdominal aorta through a needle just below the twelfth rib and four fingerbreadths to the left of the spinous process of the vertebra.
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n.X-ray examination of the aorta, in which a series of images is taken during the injection of a radiopaque contrast medium (see angiocardiography). This technique has been largely replaced as a primary investigation by other cross-sectional imaging methods.* * *
aor·tog·ra·phy (a″or-togґrə-fe) [aorta + -graphy] radiography of the aorta after the intravascular injection of radiopaque medium.
Medical dictionary. 2011.