
Opposed to the rights of individuals or to the legal norms of society; e.g., the a. personality, the psychopath. Cf.:asocial.

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an·ti·so·cial -'sō-shəl adj hostile or harmful to organized society: as
a) being or marked by behavior deviating sharply from the social norm
b) of, relating to, or characterized by an antisocial personality, the antisocial personality disorder, or behavior typical of either

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an·ti·so·cial (an″te-) (an″ti-soґshəl) 1. denoting behavior that violates the rights of others, societal mores, or the law. 2. denoting the specific personality traits seen in antisocial personality disorder.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • antisocial — antisocial, iale, iaux [ ɑ̃tisɔsjal, jo ] adj. • 1776; de 1. anti et social ♦ Contraire à la société, à l ordre social. Principes antisociaux. ♢ (1832) Qui n est pas social, va contre les intérêts des travailleurs. Mesure antisociale. ♢ Psychol.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • antisocial — ANTISOCIÁL, Ă, antisociali, e, adj. Care se abate de la regulile de bună convieţuire în societate, care constituie o primejdie pentru societate. [pr.: ci al] – Din fr. antisocial. Trimis de ana zecheru, 29.02.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  antisociál adj …   Dicționar Român

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