- laryngeal dilator
- 1. any of the muscles that serve to dilate the larynx. 2. a bougielike instrument used for distending a stenosed larynx.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Muscle — is the tissue of the body which primarily functions as a source of power. There are three types of muscle in the body. Muscle which is responsible for moving extremities and external areas of the body is called "skeletal muscle." Heart… … Medical dictionary
List of muscles of the human body — Skeletal muscles homo sapiens Muscles of the human body: Overview Head | Neck |&# … Wikipedia
Nerve — A bundle of fibers that uses electrical and chemical signals to transmit sensory and motor information from one body part to another. See nervous system. * * * A whitish cordlike structure composed of one or more bundles (fascicles) of myelinated … Medical dictionary
List of anatomical topics — This page aims to list articles related to anatomy. This list is not necessarily complete or up to date if you see an article that should be here but isn t (or one that shouldn t be here but is), please update the page accordingly. NOTOC A… … Wikipedia
Tracheotomy — This article is about the surgical procedure called a tracheotomy. For a similar procedure, see Cricothyrotomy. Tracheotomy Intervention Completed tracheotomy: 1 Vocal folds 2 Thyroid cartilage 3 Cricoid cartilage 4 Tracheal rings … Wikipedia
Optic chiasm — Brain: Optic chiasm Visual pathway with optic chiasm (X shape outlined, red) (1543 image from Andreas Vesalius Fabrica) Latin chiasma opticum Gray s … Wikipedia
Optic nerve — This article is about the anatomical structure. For the comic book series, see Optic Nerve (comic). For the album about David Wojnarowicz, see Optic Nerve (CD ROM). Nerve: Optic Nerve The left optic nerve and the optic tracts … Wikipedia
Oculomotor nucleus — Brain: Oculomotor nucleus Section through superior colliculus showing path of oculomotor nerve … Wikipedia
Optic tract — Brain: Optic tract The left optic nerve and the optic tracts. Latin tractus opticus Gray s subject #189 814 … Wikipedia
Edinger-Westphal nucleus — Brain: Edinger Westphal nucleus Section through superior colliculus (unlabeled) showing path of oculomotor nerve. ( Edinger Westphal nucleus is not on diagram, but would be near oculomotor nuclei.) … Wikipedia