contraceptive diaphragm
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contraceptive diaphragm — noun a contraceptive device consisting of a flexible dome shaped cup made of rubber or plastic; it is filled with spermicide and fitted over the uterine cervix • Syn: ↑diaphragm, ↑pessary • Hypernyms: ↑contraceptive, ↑preventive, ↑preventative,… … Useful english dictionary
Contraceptive, diaphragm — A barrier method of contraception that is available by prescription only and must be sized by a health professional to achieve a proper fit. The diaphragm has a dual mechanism to prevent a pregnancy. A dome shaped rubber disk with a flexible rim… … Medical dictionary
Diaphragm (contraceptive) — Diaphragm 1: bladder, 2: pubic bone, 3: urethra, 4: vagina, 5: uterus, 6: fornix, 7: cervix, 8: diaphragm, 9: rectum Background … Wikipedia
contraceptive device — noun an agent or device intended to prevent conception (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑contraceptive, ↑preventive, ↑preventative, ↑prophylactic device, ↑birth control device • Derivationally related forms: ↑preve … Useful english dictionary
Contraceptive sponge — Protectaid sponge, in its plastic tray. It is removed from the tray before use. Background Birth control type Barrier First use … Wikipedia
contraceptive — [n] birth control method armor, barrier method, coil, condom, diaphragm, foam, hormone, intrauterine device, IUD, jelly, loop, pill, planned parenthood, preventative, preventive medicine, prophylactic, rhythm method, ring, rubber, safety, shield … New thesaurus
diaphragm — late 14c., from L.L. diaphragma, from Gk. diaphragma partition, barrier, muscle which divides the thorax from the abdomen, from diaphrassein to barricade, from dia across (see DIA (Cf. dia )) + phrassein to fence or hedge in. The native word is… … Etymology dictionary
diaphragm — ► NOUN 1) a dome shaped muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals. 2) a taut flexible membrane in mechanical or acoustic systems. 3) a thin contraceptive cap fitting over the cervix. 4) a device for varying the… … English terms dictionary
diaphragm — [dī′ə fram΄] n. [ME diafragma < LL diaphragma < Gr < dia , through + phragma, a fence < phrassein, to enclose] 1. the partition of muscles and tendons between the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity; midriff: see LUNG 2. a) any… … English World dictionary
diaphragm — 1. The musculomembranous partition between the abdominal and thoracic cavities. SYN: diaphragma (2) [TA], interseptum, midriff, phren (1). 2. A thin disk pierced with an opening, used in a microscope, camera, or other op … Medical dictionary