lipoatrophic diabetes
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Lipoatrophic diabetes — Classification and external resources OMIM 151660 269700 MeSH D003923 … Wikipedia
Diabetes (disambiguation) — Diabetes usually refers to diabetes mellitus, a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar. Contents 1 Diabetes mellitus 2 Diabetes insipidus … Wikipedia
diabetes — Either d. insipidus or d. mellitus, diseases having in common the symptom polyuria; when used without qualification, refers to d. mellitus. [G. d., a compass, a siphon, d.] adult onset d. non insulin dependent d. mellitus. alimentary d. SYN:… … Medical dictionary
Laminopathy — Normal nuclear lamina (a and b) and mutant nuclear lamina (c and d) from a patient with HGPS, visualized by immunofluorescence note the irregular and bumpy shape of the laminopathic nuclei[1] Laminopathies are a group of rare genetic disorders… … Wikipedia
lipoatrophy — Loss of subcutaneous fat, which may be total, congenital, and associated with hepatomegaly, excessive bone growth, and insulin resistant diabetes. SYN: Lawrence Seip syndrome, lipoatrophia, lipoatrophic diabetes. [G. lipos, fat, + a , priv. +… … Medical dictionary
total lipodystrophy — a rare, autosomal recessive disorder seen mainly in infant girls, characterized by generalized loss of subcutaneous and extracutaneous adipose tissue with hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia and insulin resistant nonketotic diabetes, hyperlipemia,… … Medical dictionary
Local gigantism — s, where it is termed macrodactyly. However, sometimes an entire limb may be enlarged. Causes Local gigantism may be caused by a heterogeneous group of both congenital and acquired conditions. Congenital Congenital causes include: *Klippel… … Wikipedia
AREDYLD — stands for acral renal ectodermal dysplasia lipoatrophic diabetes. AREDLYD is categorized as a rare disease, meaning it affects fewer than 200,000 people in the American population.External links* * * … Wikipedia
AREDYLD — iniciales de Acral Renal Ectodermal Dysplasia Lipoatrophic Diabetes que se utiliza algunas veces como epónimo para describir un síntoma lipoatrófico diabético con afectación renal muy poco frecuente Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos..… … Diccionario médico
AREDYLD — acrorenal field defect, ectodermal dysplasia, lipoatrophic diabetes [syndrome] … Medical dictionary