- psychosocial development
- the development of the personality, including the acquisition of social attitudes and skills, from infancy through maturity.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Psychosocial development — as articulated by Erik Erikson explains eight stages through which a healthily developing human should pass from infancy to late adulthood. In each stage the person confronts, and hopefully masters, new challenges. Each stage builds on the… … Wikipedia
psychosocial — [sī΄kō sō′shəl] adj. of or pertaining to the psychological development of the individual in relation to his or her social environment … English World dictionary
Psychosocial — The term psychosocial refers to one in psychological development in and interaction with a social environment. The individual is not necessarily fully aware of this relationship with his or her environment. It was first commonly used by… … Wikipedia
psychosocial — adj. involving both social and psychological factors; pertaining to the role of society in psychological development … English contemporary dictionary
Child development — For other uses, see Child development (disambiguation). Exploring Child development refers to the biological and psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses … Wikipedia
Youth development — or adolescent development is the process through which adolescents (alternately called youth or young adults) acquire the cognitive, social, and emotional skills and abilities required to navigate life. The experience of adolescence varies for… … Wikipedia
Theory of cognitive development — The Theory of Cognitive Development (one of the most historically influential theories) was developed by Jean Piaget, a Swiss Philosopher (1896–1980). His genetic epistemological theory provided many central concepts in the field of developmental … Wikipedia
Kohlberg's stages of moral development — are planes of moral adequacy conceived by Lawrence Kohlberg to explain the development of moral reasoning. Created while studying psychology at the University of Chicago, the theory was inspired by the work of Jean Piaget and a fascination with… … Wikipedia
Stages of development — A stage of development may refer to: Biology: Prenatal development, also called fetal development, or embryology. Human development (biology) Psychology: Developmental stage theories Child development stages stages of child development Erikson s… … Wikipedia
Stages of faith development — A series of stages of faith development was proposed by Professor James W. Fowler, a developmental psychologist at Candler School of Theology, in the book Stages of Faith . This book length study contains a framework and ideas, which have… … Wikipedia