
A substance that competes with, replaces, or antagonizes a particular metabolite; e.g., ethionine is an a. of methionine.

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an·ti·me·tab·o·lite .ant-i--'tab-ə-.līt, .an-.- n a substance (as a sulfa drug) that replaces or inhibits the utilization of a metabolite

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any one of a group of drugs that interfere with the normal metabolic processes within cells by combining with the enzymes responsible for them. Some drugs used in the treatment of cancer, e.g. fluorouracil, methotrexate, and mercaptopurine, are antimetabolites that prevent cell growth by interfering with enzyme reactions essential for nucleic acid synthesis. For example, fluorouracil inhibits the enzyme thymidylate synthetase. Side-effects of antimetabolites can be severe, involving blood cell disorders and digestive disturbances. See also chemotherapy, cytotoxic drug.

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an·ti·me·tab·o·lite (ante-) (anti-mə-tabґo-līt) a substance bearing a close structural resemblance to one required for normal physiological functioning, and exerting its effect by interfering with the utilization of the essential metabolite. For various ways in which antimetabolites inhibit metabolic processes, see under inhibition.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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