Endogenous depression — is a mood disorder that some people are born with. It s believed it is genetic either inherited, or given as genetic disposition. A sufferer, although is prone to get depressed on occasions of traumatic events, exhaustion or high stress may not… … Wikipedia
endogenous depression — noun a state of depression for which there is no apparent precipitating cause • Hypernyms: ↑depressive disorder, ↑clinical depression, ↑depression * * * Psychiatry. a severe form of depression usually characterized by insomnia, weight loss, and… … Useful english dictionary
endogenous depression — Psychiatry. a severe form of depression usually characterized by insomnia, weight loss, and inability to experience pleasure, thought to be of internal origin and not influenced by external events. Also called melancholia. [1960 65] * * * … Universalium
endogenous depression — See depression … Dictionary of sociology
depression — depression, clinical depression Mental states characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest, experienced by most individuals. They are deemed clinical (that is a mental illness ) if they are persistent, severe, and out… … Dictionary of sociology
Depression: Emergence — The word depression has a number of meanings, depending on the discipline. Within neurophysiology, it refers to a decrease in the brain’s electrical activity causing, for example, cortical depression. For the pharmacologist, depression means… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
Depression and Mood Disorders: Emergence — The word depression has a number of meanings, depending on the discipline. Within neurophysiology, it refers to a decrease in the brain’s electrical activity causing, for example, cortical depression. For the pharmacologist, depression means… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
Depression: Recent Concepts — Starting in the middle third of the twentieth century, the diagnosis of depression increased many fold. Though some of this increase was owing to the systematic marketing of the diagnosis by pharmaceutical companies, other elements of the… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
Depression and Mood Disorders: Recent Concepts — Starting in the middle third of the twentieth century, the diagnosis of depression increased many fold. Though some of this increase was owing to the systematic marketing of the diagnosis by pharmaceutical companies, other elements of the… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
endogenous — adjective Date: 1830 1. growing or produced by growth from deep tissue < endogenous plant roots > 2. a. caused by factors inside the organism or system < suffered from endogenous depression > < endogenous business cycles > b. produced or… … New Collegiate Dictionary