- Demianoff sign
- Dem·i·a·noff sign (dem″e-ah-nofґ) [G.S. Demianoff, French physician, 20th century] see under sign.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Demianoff sign — with the patient in dorsal decubitus position, extreme pain when the attempt is made to lift an extended lower limb above ten degrees, a sign of a lesion in the erector spinae muscles of the lumbar region. Cf. Lasиgue s … Medical dictionary
Lasиgue sign — 1. in sciatica, flexion of the hip is painful when the knee is extended, but painless when the knee is flexed. This distinguishes the disorder from disease of the hip joint. Cf. Demianoff s. 2. dorsiflexion of the foot during the straight leg… … Medical dictionary