cytosol nonspecific dipeptidase
- cytosol nonspecific dipeptidase
- cy·to·sol non·spe·cif·ic di·pep·ti·dase (siґto-sol non″spə-sifґik di-pepґtĭ-dās) [EC] a dipeptidase that catylyzes the hydrolysis of dipeptides, preferentially hydrophobic dipeptides including prolyl amino acids. Called also prolinase, prolyl dipeptidase, and pro-X dipeptidase.
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prolyl dipeptidase — pro·lyl di·pep·ti·dase (proґləl di pepґtĭ dās) cytosol nonspecific dipeptidase … Medical dictionary
Pro-X dipeptidase — Pro X di·pep·ti·dase (di pepґtĭ dās″) cytosol nonspecific dipeptidase … Medical dictionary
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prolinase — SYN: prolyl dipeptidase. * * * pro·lin·ase (proґlĭ nās) cytosol nonspecific dipeptidase … Medical dictionary