- anthracosis
- Pneumonoconiosis from accumulation of carbon from inhaled smoke or coal dust in the lungs. SEE ALSO: pneumomelanosis. SYN: collier lung, miner's lung (1). [anthraco- + G. -osis, condition]
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an·thra·co·sis .an(t)-thrə-'kō-səs n, pl -co·ses -.sēz a benign deposition of coal dust within the lungs from inhalation of sooty airan·thra·cot·ic -'kät-ik adj* * *
n.* * *
an·thra·co·sis (an-thrə-koґsis) [anthraco- + -osis] blackening of lung tissue caused by deposition of inhaled carbon in the lungs, seen in many individuals, particularly smokers and those who live in industrial or urban environments. Fibrosis is minimal or absent and the presence of carbon particles is of little or no functional or pathologic significance. Accumulation of large amounts of carbon in the lungs, seen primarily in coal miners, may result in coal workers' pneumoconiosis. anthracotic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.