
A bending forward; a sharp forward curve or angulation; denoting especially the normal forward bend in the uterus at the junction of corpus and cervix uteri.
- a. of iris rarely used term for an iris that is, in part, folded forward after a severe iridodialysis so that the pigmented layer faces forward.

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an·te·flex·ion .ant-i-'flek-shən n a displacement forward of an organ (as the uterus) so that its axis is bent upon itself

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the bending forward of an organ. A mild degree of anteflexion of the uterus is considered to be normal.

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an·te·flex·ion (an-te-flekґshən) [ante- + flexion] forward curvature of an organ or part, so that its top is turned anteriorly, such as the normal forward curvature of the uterus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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