- right coronary cusp of aortic valve
- valvula semilunaris dextra valvae aortae; the term refers to its relation to the opening of the right coronary artery.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Right coronary artery — Artery: Right coronary artery Sternocostal surface of heart. (Right coronary artery visible at left.) Latin arteria coronaria dextra Gray s … Wikipedia
valve — 1. A fold of the lining membrane of a canal or other hollow organ serving to retard or prevent a reflux of fluid. 2. Any formation or reduplication of tissue, or flaplike structure … Medical dictionary
Mitral valve — Anterior (frontal) view of the opened heart. White arrows indicate normal blood flow. (Mitral valve labeled at center right.) … Wikipedia
valvula semilunaris dextra valvae aortae — [TA] right semilunar cusp of aortic valve: the anterior cusp of the aortic valve; named for its position in fetal anatomy. Called also v. coronaria dextra valvae aortae [TA alternative] and right coronary cusp of aortic valve. See illustration at … Medical dictionary
Сердце — (cor) является главным элементом сердечно сосудистой системы, обеспечивающим кровоток в сосудах, и представляет собой полый мышечный орган конусообразной формы, располагающийся за грудиной на сухожильном центре диафрагмы, между правой и левой… … Атлас анатомии человека
Cusps of heart valves — Base of ventricles exposed by removal of the atria. (Valves visible on top of heart.) … Wikipedia
syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… … Medical dictionary
sinus — 1. [TA] A channel for the passage of blood or lymph, without the coats of an ordinary vessel; e.g., blood passages in the gravid uterus or those in the cerebral meninges. 2. [TA] A cavity or … Medical dictionary
valvula — SYN: valvule. [Mod. L. dim. of valva] Amussat v. SYN: posterior urethral valves, under valve. valvulae anales [TA] SYN: anal valves, under valve. v. bicuspidalis SYN: mitral valve. valvulae conniventes SYN: circular folds of small intestine,… … Medical dictionary
Chordae tendineae — Heart strings redirects here. For other uses, see Heart Strings (disambiguation). Chordae tendineae Interior of right side of heart … Wikipedia