physiologic cup
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cup — 1. An excavated or hallowed structure, either anatomic or pathologic. SYN: poculum. 2. SYN: cupping glass. [A.S. cuppe] Diogenes c. SYN: c. of palm. dry c. a cupping glass formerly applied to the unbroken skin to draw blood to the … Medical dictionary
depression — 1. Reduction of the level of functioning. 2. SYN: excavation (1). 3. Displacement of a part downward or inward. 4. A temporary mental state or chronic mental disorder characterized by feelings of sadness, loneliness, despair, low self esteem, and … Medical dictionary
primary optic atrophy — optic atrophy in which the optic disk is characterized by sharp margins, enlarged physiologic cup, enhanced visibility of the lamina cribrosa, and a white color. Severe primary optic atrophy secondary to multiple episodes of optic neuritis … Medical dictionary
secondary optic atrophy — optic atrophy in which the optic disk is characterized by blurred margins, poor visibility of the lamina cribrosa, filling in of the physiologic cup, and gray white glial tissue on its surface and along its blood vessels; called also gray a … Medical dictionary
excavatio disci — [TA] depression of optic disk: the depression situated in the center of the optic disk; called also optic or physiologic cup and excavation of optic disk … Medical dictionary
Kuhnt meniscus — the lining of the physiologic cup of the optic disk, composed of a thick accumulation of neuroglia … Medical dictionary
Tremor — For other uses, see Tremor (disambiguation). Tremor ICD 10 R25.1 ICD 9 781.0 DiseasesDB … Wikipedia
Choline — The N,N,N trimethylethanolammonium cation, with an undefined counteranion, X− Choline is a water soluble essential nutrient.[1][ … Wikipedia
excavation — 1. A natural cavity, pouch, or recess; a sunken or depressed area. SYN: depression (2) [TA], excavatio. 2. A cavity formed artificially or as the result of a pathologic process. atrophic e. an exaggeration of the … Medical dictionary
Circe — For other uses, see Circe (disambiguation). Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus, by John William Waterhouse. In Greek mythology, Circe ( … Wikipedia