
G.V., 20th century Lebanese physiologist in Britain. See A. phenomenon.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Anrep — is a family, belonging to Swedish and Russian nobility.The family originates from Anreppen, a village on Lippe river in Westfalia, Germany (now a part of Delbrück town). In 15th century Anreps, belonging to the Teutonic Knights, settled in… …   Wikipedia

  • Anrep — Anrep, Gabriel von, schwed. Genealog, geb. 4. Dez. 1821 in Lekeberga (Nerike), war anfangs Landwirt, siedelte aber schon 1851 nach Stockholm über, wo er seitdem als Herausgeber genealogischer Werke tätig ist. Von seinen Schriften ist neben… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Anrep-Elmpt — Anrep Elmpt, Joseph Graf A. E., geb. 1796 in Livland u. erzogen im Pagencorps zu Petersburg, trat 1815 als Offizier in die russische Armee ein u. nahm an dem Vormarsche der russischen Streitkräfte nach Polen Theil. Die niederen Offiziergrade… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Anrep effect — The Anrep effect is an autoregulation method in which myocardial contractility increases with afterload. It was experimentally determined that increasing afterload caused a proportional linear increase in ventricular inotropy.This effect is found …   Wikipedia

  • Anrep effect — abrupt elevation of aortic pressure results in a positively inotropic inotropic effect (see inotropic) and augmented resistance to outflow in the heart. Called also homeometric autoregulation because it is independent of muscle length …   Medical dictionary

  • Boris Anrep — (27 September 1883 – 7 June 1969) was a Russian artist, active in Britain, who devoted himself to the art of mosaic.In Britain, he is known for his monumental mosaics at the National Gallery, London, Westminster Cathedral and the Bank of England …   Wikipedia

  • Boris Anrep — Mosaïque de sainte Anne à la cathédrale de Mullingar Boris Anrep, né Boris Vassilievitch von Anrep le 27 septembre 1883 à Saint Pétersbourg et mort le 7 juin 1969 à Londres, est un artiste germano balte, né sujet …   Wikipédia en Français

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